Second world war drama Unknown Soldier (Tuntematon Sotilas) has broken the opening weekend record for a local-language film at the Finnish box office.

Aku Louhimies’ historical epic, the most expensive Finnish film ever made at an estimated €7m, drew 170,213 viewers across previews and weekend screenings.

The debut marks the third-biggest opening ever in the territory behind only Star Wars: The Force Awakens and Spectre, both of which went on to make more than $7m in the market, which has a population of only five and a half million.

Unknown Soldier, which screened at 140 locations, is the story of an infantry unit’s tour of duty that lasts for more than three years during the second world war.

Louhimies produces alongside Mikko Tenhunen and Miia Haavisto.

”We’re extremely proud that a Finnish film can compete at the box office with the biggest film productions in the world,” said Timo Räisänen, head of theatrical distribution at distributor SF Studios.

”I’m happy that so many people wanted to see Unknown Soldier,” added director Louhimies. ”Our film has clearly reached different generations, and it’s being widely discussed in the media, social media and elsewhere. On behalf of the crew, cast and everyone else involved in the making of the film, I’m thankful that people have embraced this film.”

Beta Cinema handles international sales on the historical drama and will be screening it at the AFM in Los Angeles this week