Empire welcomes the British songstress in Wednesday’s episode, titled “Treasons, Strategems and Spoils,” as Wynter — the key female artist on Jamal Lyon’s (Jussie Smollett) London label. Wynter unexpectedly arrives in New York to confront Jamal for taking off, leaving her mid-project and abandoning his promise and commitment to her musical career. If Jamal isn’t careful, his own mom, Cookie (Taraji P. Henson), may have her eye on the prize.

“Wynter, what the hell?” Jamal says when Wynter dramatically struts into his place in ET’s exclusive sneak peek.

“It never gets old, does it?” Wynter responds, showering Jamal and journalist beau Kai (Toby Onwumere) with a flurry of fake snow. It doesn’t take long for her to notice Jamal’s sizable pad. “Good lord, this place is enormous.”

But Jamal isn’t here to play niceties with his artist. “Wynter, what the hell are you doing here?” he asks, a bit confused by her sudden presence in his home.

“You convinced me to sign to your lovely little London label, making all sorts of promises and then you run out on me,” she says, calling Jamal out.

“That’s a little dramatic. We just video-conferenced like two days ago,” Jamal defends.

Wynter, though, is on a mission, happily making a proposal for them to finish her album at his home — a decision that may complicate Jamal’s plans.